最後更新日期:2024 年 7 月 7 日
你在尋找替換 SiteGround 的新主機嗎?
SitrGround 宣布 2020 年 11 月 05 日後,不再支援台灣的新約期。
阿璋推薦你使用 Cloudways,這絕對是你搬家新主機的首選!
SiteGround 宣布不支援台灣
最近有許多 SiteGround 的聯盟行銷推廣者收到下面這封信:
We are writing to give you heads up about an upcoming change related to SiteGround’s future focus of operations that also affects our Affiliate Program. Due to growing regulatory complexities in a number of countries, where SiteGround currently provides its service but has a negligible market share or sees poor performance indicators, we have decided to stop new sign ups for our hosting services in some regions. From now on, we will focus our efforts on growing our traditionally strong markets, where it makes economic sense to continue the ever-growing investments in local legislation compliance.We will continue to accept clients from the following regions:North and South AmericaAustraliaEuropean Union and United KingdomAsia: China, Singapore, Israel, Hong Kong, ThailandWe expect the change to be rolled out on November 2, 2020. Once the change comes into effect, visitors from locations different than the above-mentioned will not be able to purchase hosting from SiteGround. You may want to consider redirecting this traffic to more suitable for their regions hosting recommendations.We would like to thank you for your understanding! We believe that by focusing efforts on certain markets we will be able to provide better service there, increase the conversion rates from these regions, and boost the overall success of the Affiliate Program, which we share with all our affiliate partners.If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.Best regards,The SiteGround Team
We would like to inform you that sadly, we’ve decided to discontinue the Affiliate program for your region and we will permanently suspend your SiteGround affiliate account on November 5, 2020.Why close operations in your region?Taking this decision was not easy for us as we have many loyal affiliates like you who have partnered with us for years. Unfortunately, due to a combination of poor performance indicators and the growing regulatory complexities in some regions, it becomes ineffective to support the program there.Poor performance indicatorsThe affiliate relationship is a pay-for-performance model, where we pay for every sale we generate through our affiliate partners. The commission rates typical for the hosting industry, which we offer to our partners, are among the highest out there and traditionally they exceed the initial sales value. This is why we closely monitor KPIs such as referred accounts’ lifetime span and value and renewal rates, which determine our ability to secure a fair revenue share for our partners and the long-term sustainability of the program. Unfortunately, our latest analysis indicates that overall, the sales coming from your region have deteriorating KPIs, including among others alarmingly low renewal rates, higher cancellation rate than program averages, and short life span of the referred accounts.Regulatory and tax complexitiesAnother negative trend that we have been monitoring in your region and several others is the heavier regulations and growing tax complexities that impose additional financial and bureaucratic burden on the program.All these factors impose a growing financial risk for us and we can no longer guarantee the sustainability of the program in the long run. That is why we have taken the hard decision to discontinue operations in your region and several others.What does this mean for you?In 14 days time we will suspend your affiliate account which means that you no longer will be able to log into your Affiliate area. If you are a SiteGround client as well, you will still be able to access the User Area but you will no longer have access to its Affiliate section.Your outstanding affiliate sales, accumulated prior to the account suspension, will be processed as per our standard terms and conditions. All approved commissions will be duly paid out to you. No commission will be due for sales generated after the suspension date.We kindly ask you to remove all SiteGround-related information, including banners, logos, reviews, and links from your website prior to November 5, 2020, to prevent generating new affiliate sales and violating the SiteGround Affiliate ToS. As per section 9 of our ToS, we revoke your right to use our trademark and other brand items.Finally, we would like to say a big thank you for partnering with us and recommending SiteGround! We wish you lots of success with your initiatives in the future!Regards,The SiteGround Team
- SiteGround 提供聯盟行銷推廣獎金很高,因此吸引許多劣質的推廣者,並沒有將主機的推廣做得很好。
- SiteGround 的首購很便宜,CP 值很高,但是大家都首購完後就取消續約了。
- 因為聯盟獎金很高加上首購很便宜,導致這樣的策略根本沒賺多少錢,徒有名聲沒有忠實客戶。
- SiteGround 的續約價格太貴了,對於大多台灣人來說是無法負擔的。
- 台灣的金管會太麻煩,逼迫他們開發票、繳稅等等。
總而言之,我覺得是 SiteGround 的政策錯誤,導致後續的問題。
同時,SiteGround 眾多的台灣使用者,這次可有苦了,建議盡快搬家到新主機商,免得哪天突然被終止登入會員、刪除網站等等的狀況。
主機有分成四種類型:共享主機 (Share Hosting)、虛擬專屬主機 (VPS)、雲端主機 (Cloud Hosting)、專屬主機 (Dedicated Hosting)。
共享主機 (Share Hosting)
共享主機是所有人會共享同一個空間的資源,假設一台主機的空間是 10 個人共享,那麼每個人就只會享用到 10% 的資源。
虛擬專屬主機 (VPS)
虛擬專屬主機是自己擁有一個獨立的資源空間,並且分配一個專屬你的 IP。
壞處:大多 VPS 需要懂 Linux,技術含量較高。
但也有比較特別的主機服務商,像是 Cloudways,是幫你調配 VPS、雲端主機,不需要技術也能快速使用 WordPress。
雲端主機 (Cloud Hosting)
常見的雲端主機:Google Cloud Platform、AWS、Azure、Alibaba。
專屬主機 (Dedicated Hosting)
WordPress 專屬主機
除了上面介紹的主機以外,還有比較昂貴、專門針對 WordPress 代管的主機服務商。
此類型主機商價格較高,適合網站有一定規模的人使用,常見的有:WP Engine、Kinsta。
共享主機我只推薦給想玩玩看 WordPress、寫寫簡單部落格的人使用,他們的約期都是 1~3 年,許多人都還沒用滿就覺得不夠想換了。
所以最好的選擇我覺得是 VPS!
但是 VPS 的建置難度很高,除非你有工程師或是專業背景,不然很難自己操作。
Cloudways 就是專門協助建立 VPS 的主機服務商,也是我想推薦給你的首選主機商。
下方連結註冊時,可以輸入優惠碼 JOHNTOOL,獲得前 2 個月 75 折優惠。
前往 Cloudways
為什麼選擇 Cloudways?
Cloudways 介紹
Cloudways 就是為了降低 VPS 建構的複雜度,由他們幫你架設網站,同時保有自己最大的操控權。
Cloudways 是一間讓你不用煩惱該如何架站的公司,讓你的網站最佳化,他提供很簡單的操作面板、優良的專家諮詢服務、讓你網站提升效能。
阿璋目前製作大約 10 多個網站,協助搬家大約 30 個網站,全部都是使用 Cloudways 主機,當然本站也是使用 Cloudways 主機。
Cloudways 優點:
- 伺服器架構良好
- 24 小時線上客服
- 價格方案彈性(以小時、月計費)
- 操作面板簡單
- 網站安全性高
- 一台伺服器可建立多個網站、搭配多個網域
Cloudways 缺點:
- 註冊驗證複雜(避免一堆假帳號)
- 全英文
Cloudways 主機價格方案
Cloudways 有搭配 3 間 VPS 廠商、2 間雲端主機廠商配合建立網站。
基本上一般的網站(日流量 5000 以下),都建議使用 Linode 2GB 方案。
價格是每個月 24 美金,會加上一點點自動備份手續費,總額大約 25 美金(新台幣 700~750 元)。
每個月初都會進行扣款的動作,並且提供英文的 invoice 收據。
SiteGround 搬家主機到 Cloudways
SiteGround 搬家主機到 Cloudways 有 4 種,方式很多,請自己選擇!
首先,如果你不想處理這麼多東西、害怕把網站弄壞、懶著看下面教學的話,阿璋有提供 WordPress 主機搬家服務。
第二種:Cloudways 搬家外掛
Cloudways 有出一個搬家外掛:Cloudways WordPress Migrator,這個外掛可以很簡單的搬家。
Cloudways 搬家文章教學:
你也可以直接看下面的影片教學,試用 GoDaddy 來示範搬家,方式差不多。
如果喜歡我的文章或是影片,可以訂閱我的 Youtube 頻道、按讚、分享,我會分享更多實用的教學影片!訂閱 Youtube 頻道
WordPress 還有許多專門搬家的外掛,像是 All-in-One WP Migration、WPvivid、UpdraftPlus。
第四種:Cloudways 提交工單
Cloudways 有提供新用戶一次的免費搬家服務,可以參考官方說明。
從 SiteGround 搬家網域到 Namecheap
有些人是在 SiteGround 一起買網域的,阿璋也建議你快點移走。
網域推薦可以使用 Namecheap,原因很簡單,就是比較便宜。
點選 Domain Transfer 按照他們的步驟操作就好,你可能會需要用到 SiteGround 官方教學:How to transfer your domain name to another registrar?
SiteGround 雖然不支援台灣,但請不用太過擔憂,因為至少不是被駭或是惡意倒閉,網站都還是可以正常使用。
前往 Cloudways 註冊 找阿璋搬家
更多 Cloudways 相關文章
- 如何開始架設 WordPress 網站? 網域、DNS、主機一次搞定 | 站長之路#2
- 【2023】Cloudways 架設 WordPress 網站教學 | CP 值最高的主機選擇!
- Cloudways 評價、最新優惠碼 Coupon Code | WordPress 架站推薦!
- Cloudways 建立、搬家中文影片教學 | WordPress 架站主機推薦
- 【WordPress 主機】從 GoDaddy 搬家到 Cloudways 教學
- Cloudways 網站連不上怎麼辦? 3 分鐘告訴你原因與解決方法!
- 解決 WordPress 留言者 IP 都是 的問題 | Cloudways 主機
- WordPress 文章、頁面都是舊的內容,沒辦法更新怎麼辦?
WordPress 線上課程推薦
阿璋正在籌備 WordPress 線上課程,如果有興趣的人,歡迎點擊下方連結。
從 0 開始建立部落格
站長之路手把手教你如何透過部落格開始賺錢,內容包含 WordPress、部落格經營、網路行銷,帶你成為一個成功的部落格站長!
WordPress 架站推薦
新手架站:【架站教學】專門為WordPress打造的主機?WPWebHost 完整教學!高流量網站:【架站教學】新手快速架站教學,使用Cloudways架設WordPress網站!
新手必看: WordPress 必裝主題與外掛推薦、學習管道、最新優惠統整!
學習更多:查看我是如何透過 WordPress 架設部落格,賺取人生第一桶金!
WordPress 學習書籍推薦
WordPress 無敵架站手冊:架站新手都想擁有:教你打造個人專屬網站
這本書教你從零開始建立起一個全功能的WordPress網站,從下載與安裝WordPress主軟體開始到連結、媒體、選單、圖像、展示區、管理、用家建檔等等。 甚至還有教你如何開發主題、外掛、小工具,從入門到進階的教學都很完整。推薦原因
這本書原作者是波蘭人,原文是英文,後來經由免費資源網路社群的作者 Pseric 翻譯成中文書。 WordPress 目前的中文書可說是少之又少,這本不僅是中文書,內容又非常完整,絕對是學習WordPress的首選書籍!購買 WordPress 無敵架站手冊
WordPress Plugins百大外掛精選(火力加強版)
這本書教你從基礎架站、備份保存到各式各樣的外掛主題,讓你想裝什麼就裝什麼,建置專屬自己獨一無二的多功能發佈平台。 作者特別精選了各類型的外掛做介紹,只要你想的到的功能幾乎都在裡面,匯集了讀者們一直喜愛的外掛程式介紹,並且添加了最新的外掛程式,更貼近現在的讀者需求。推薦原因
這本書作者是免費資源網路社群的作者 Pseric,他的網站知名度非常的高,也是透過 WordPress 架設而成,因此對於外掛的理解,絕對是數一數二。購買 WordPress Plugins 百大外掛精選(火力加強版)
我目前有成立一個亞洲最大的幣圈自媒體 Discord 社群:Crypto Mind 加密腦
推坑阿璋超愛的商品,歡迎加入團購群:阿璋好物團購 LINE 社群
by Johntool-工具王阿璋